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Friday, July 26, 2019

Storm Area 51 They Can't Stop Us All

An Event is to take place on 20th September 2019 as posted on Face book called “Storm Area 51, They Can’t Stop All of Us” has gone viral on the internet  and over 1.9 million people has RSVP’d that they are going and over a million more are interested in going to the event. In a pinned post on the event page a user named has Barnes has drawn a plan as to how attendees could swarm the place and beneath the scheme he has written the following “Hello US government, this is a joke, and I do not actually intend to go ahead with this plan. I just thought it would be funny and get me some thumbsy uppies on the internet,” it reads. “I’m not responsible if people decide to actually storm area 51.” 

Image Courtesy Barry King / Getty Images

Well the US Air Force managing the Area 51 is not thrilled by this joke and has warned the public that any illegal attempts to intrude the military installation at Area 51 is very dangerous as use of deadly force is authorised and such warning signs as well as No Trespassing signs are all over the area. Also they would prosecute all persons arrested for illegal entry to the full extent of the law and could be jailed for 5 years.

Intense focus on Area 51 is because the US Government has been very secretive of the base and the happening there are highly classified in addition to the place being heavily guarded 24 hours of the day. Lack of information about the base and secretive nature of the government has let to great deal of speculations and has fuelled numerous conspiracy theories over period of time and this might be the one of the reasons for the Storm Area 51 event page to go viral.

The main fodder for conspiracy theory that has been prevailing for decades comes from supposedly in numerous UFO (Unidentified Flying Objects) sighted in this area as well of a supposedly crashed UFO in Roswell from which spaceship and aliens were recovered and bought to this base. US Government has never answered to any of the queries raised by conspiracy theorist as it could not admit / reveal the nature of activities within the base. CIA in fact acknowledged the presences of the base only as recent as 2013 and the base is being used to as an Air Force base. Area 51 is also known as  Groom lake or Dreamland or Paradise ranch or just The Ranch.

Various conspiracy theories over a period of time are as follows:-

1. The storage, examination, and reverse engineering of crashed alien spacecraft, including material supposedly recovered at Roswell, the study of their occupants, and the manufacture of aircraft based on alien technology

2. Meetings or joint undertakings with extraterrestrials

3.    The development of exotic energy weapons for the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) or other weapons programs

4.    The development of weather control

5.    The development of time travel and teleportation technology

6.    The development of exotic propulsion systems related to the Aurora Program

7.    Activities related to a shadowy one world government or the Majestic 12 organization.  (Majestic 12 or MJ-12 is a code name for alleged secret committee of scientists, Military leaders and government officials, , formed in 1947 by an executive order by U.S. President Harry S. Truman to facilitate recovery and investigation of alien spacecraft)

You could read and know more about the above mentioned conspiracy theories 
by browsing the net. Some of them are quite interesting and enthralling.to read.

Image Courtesy Laura Rauch/ AP Photo
Area 51 is not open to general public but then there are few tourist attractions nearby that capitalize of the notoriety of the Area 51 made famous by the conspiracy theorists.One such place is the Extraterrestrial Highway that runs nearby and has several alien themed attractions

1 comment:

  1. Area %1 has always been a matter of curiosity.
    Nice to go through this post, the tourist attractions near by this area were not known to me.
