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Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Six feet apart is better than six feet down

Image Courtesy Google Images

Human race is defined by love, hugs, kisses, social gatherings, passion and lot more emotions for it is the very essence of our being. Microscopic virus has bought the entire human race to its knees and is redefining the socials norms associated with all of us by imposing social distancing with fear of being infected and health threat. The phrase “Six feet apart is better than six below ground “is quite apt in the current prevailing situation world over. Widespread isolation due the fear of pandemic is surely going to distance us from each other and this is not a good sign at all.

Many are sitting alone in their homes disconnected from real social contact and are having virtual meeting using apps on laptops or smart phones. Initially it seems like fun but then after sometime each of us will surely want to meet person to person and enjoy the joys of togetherness and I hope it does happen soon. If not I am sure that loneliness will be one of the major factors that would affect human race and it will have far reaching consequences in mental health of humans. Fear of getting infected will keep governing our actions such as not opening your house doors to visitors or go out to places of gathering such as shops and so forth.

Coronavirus Covid19 has shown that none of us are safe until all of us are safe. There are no longer cultural hierarchies, economic immunities or economic privileges for any region, nation or country. No country can win this fight on its own. Human race now understand that their fate and future is tied to each one of us and if someone manages to find a solution to contain or defeat the virus then the entire human race is saved. A breakthrough in one part of the world would immediately be a breakthrough for every other part of the world. Very few moments in history offer us this sense of a joint mission or common goal for all mankind. 

There is a sense of urgency in finding possible vaccine or medication to help to fight the virus by almost all countries be it China or UK or Canada or India or USA. There has been considerable progress in the finding possible vaccine or medication, but then there is a protocol that needs to be addressed to ensure that the medicine is safe to be used on humans. But it is still an open question as to whether a treatment or a vaccine will be found within a matter of months or if it will take years.
We human in the meantime need to take all necessary precautions to limit the spread of virus and also be mentally strong and not succumb to fear and depressions. There is no doubt that this pandemic has redefined ones priorities in life and there is no doubt in my mind that each of us would be evaluating those priorities in the coming days.

Stay safe and pray that a treatment or a vaccine is found fast .