Historically from the colonial
times racial prejudice has been prevalent in America be it against African who
were bought into the country as slaves or Native Americans (Red Indians). These
people have been subjected immense discrimination in hands of the white
colonial people and there was no law protecting them from abuse including death
in case of the Red Indians. We keep talking of the atrocities conducted by Nazi
Germans against Jews in the name of cleansing the earth of non-Aryans but little
is being said of British or American for their similar stand that of the white supremacy.
American used to hero worship the white supremacy hate group Ku Klux Klan whose
main targets were African Americans and their action was glorified. First Klan
was formed in 1865 and it withered in 1871, second clan was from 1915 to 1944 and
they were Anti-Immigration, Anti-Semitism, Anti-Catholicism, Anti-Communism and
so forth and the third Klan formed in 1946 to present times who advocate Neo
Nazism, Neo Fascism, Anti Islam, Anti LGBT, Anti-Immigration. In other word
there are group of Americans that still believe in White Supremacy.
The ugly face of the White
Supremacy reared its head with the death of George Floyd an African American at
Minneapolis happened on 25th May 2020, when a white Police officer
knelt on his neck for 8 minutes and 46 seconds while he was being handcuffed
behind his back. He was being arrested on suspicion of passing counterfeit $20
bill and this took place in front of so many shoppers who filmed the
incident and the social media was set
ablaze by these video posted by them. An unarmed black American killed by a
white Police office is just a right catalyst to ignite the community protest
and that’s what happened in Minneapolis America on 26th May..
Initially very peaceful but then the protest turned violent with police
precinct being burnt down and shops being looted. Protests started all over the
country and the world as well and anyone who wanted 2 seconds of fame have started
posting on the social media stories of racism and of the movement Black lives Matter
with a hashtag #Blacklivesmatter
Though the racial prejudice is still a norm in
America impacting all colored people be it African Americans or Indians or
Native Indian and people from the Far East life goes on as usual till such time
some incident occurs and then the fuse blows. Suddenly protests breaks out all
over the country turning violent leading to damages and looting of properties …venting
of the pent up frustrations of trampled people all in the name of
#Blacklivesmatter protests.
Close at the heels of this
incident in America there was an Incident in India involving a pregnant
Elephant that had a horrifying death due to eating a pineapple filled with
country fire cracker. This news of the death of pregnant elephant has been in
circulation in wild life group but it garnered massive support of the news
media the moment few celebrities made a hue and cry on the social media and the
hashtag #AllLivesMatter made a splash with almost everyone using it to get
their two minutes fame.
Well the use of fruit filled with
country firecracker, snares, poison and electric fences are being used by
farmers along the fringes of forest to protect their crops against the raiding wild
animals such as Elephants, Deer Boars and so many of them have been killed by
this gruesome method and there has been no uproar at all.. if all lives matter
then what about life of the animal killed in these circumstances is the
question I ask them???. During the same time as the death of the pregnant
elephant one other bull elephant died as a similar fruit laden with country
burst in its jaw and there has been no news of it at all. Why is there a
partiality in such deaths???
Similarly #Blacklivesmatter, so many blacks have been
killed by fellow black and nothing happens but one incident of a white man
killing a black person which is quite minuscule whole country erupts to
protests, riots and looting endangering peaceful population.
Be it people of any color or any
animal, their lives do matter and it is quite important that we humans race do
not discriminate fellow human on the basis of color, creed, religion, country,
state and physical appearances. Also we all should ensure that the animals are
also not wantonly killed.
During these times the world is
already reeling under the grip of Covid19 pandemic and additional problems of
racial riots are not required. In my opinion all the hysteria being churned on
social media is by persons wanting to
become famous of having been under spot light or involved in actions against
racism or animal killing to garner their two minutes of fame. So what do you
think?? Do let me know your thoughts